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English translation for "bluetooth headset"


Related Translations:
headset:  headset = headphone。
bluetooth:  单元的地址蓝芽蓝牙技术(无线耳机接听)手机相关英语词汇意译的如“蓝牙主机应用软件
stereo bluetooth headset:  立体声蓝牙耳机
headset plug:  耳机插头
headset profile:  蓝牙头戴式应用
cartridge headset:  车头碗组
hs headset:  戴在头上的耳机或听筒
headset jack:  耳机插孔
antinoise headset:  抗噪声头戴送受话器
headset port:  耳机插口
Example Sentences:
1.Support stereo bluetooth headsets and bluetooth printing
2.Bluetooth headset main chip testing f
3.Bluetooth headset audio test set
4.My bluetooth headset echose so much i don ' t even notice it anymore
5.A stylish easy - to - use bluetooth headset for active mobile people . light and easy to wear
6.Paring the bluetooth headset with extra long press untill the light flash in " red + blue "
7.Fixes issue where selecting the ipaq audio default settings incorrectly sets the audio path when a bluetooth headset is used
8.Design a pc wireless audio communication system based on bluetooth headset to realize wireless audio communication in piconet
针对具体应用? ?蓝牙耳机编写程序,实现微微网无线语音通信。
9.When the bluetooth headset rings , press and hold the call handling button for about 2 seconds until you hear a beep
再次同时按住两个音量按钮( + )和( - )约5秒钟,直到听到哔哔声,说明耳机已重设。
10.Every t39mc and bluetooth headset special edition set includes : t39mc phone in classic blue colour one set bluetooth headset and headset charger one set each
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